Sunday, September 14, 2014

Weight Loss is Number 1

Weight Loss is Number 1

I am in rehabilitation at Brookstone Meadows for my second total knee replacement. It is my observation that the number of people who have them is increasing and not because of sports such as my 8 years of competitive football and basketball but because of weight. If it is weight caused and that is most likely 75% of the knees, then if the weight is not lost before or at the time of surgery, recovery is limited and never fully reflected in activity and no pain.

We need to recognize this and be advocates for our family, friends and businesses to keep our BMIs below 30 ALWAYS. The recent article in OWH about BMI measurement being an intrusion by the government is simply our collective desire to ignore a health problem that will cause nursing homes to be the number 1 growth industry in the USA.'

Such a long way to go. My BMI was 34.41 at March 2014 and today it is 27.47 and my knees say Thank You as does the rest of my body