Thursday, December 11, 2014

Cost of Eating out

Eating out is certainly a mixed bag of statistics. Let us try and make some sense of this. I recently ate at Village Inn with my wife for lunch and my salad and her sandwich plus tea cost us $23.00. ($11.50 each) before tip. Just lunch out Monday to Friday with the $11.50 would be $230.00 per month without groceries yet. I purchased a Starbuck Latte, Venti, and it cost me $4.89 and if I were to do that once a day, Monday to Friday it would cost me $87.80 per month again with no groceries. These numbers do not count extra coffees, bottles of water, candy bars, snacks that are all calorie dense, quick trips to fast food restaurants and elegant nights out that run $50.00 per person minimum. Labor Statistics and Gallup Poll statistics indicate people eat out 10% of the time in a month. ( I think this is grossly underestimated)  If they do only lunch out 10% that would be $33.00 and if dinner only it would be $60.00 for three meals out. Count your meals out and use $11 for lunch with tip and $20 for dinner with tip and see what you reach. Then you have to add in weekly groceries and these are essentials with no chips, snacks and desserts.

Department of Labor states:
Thrifty diet is $177 per month for males and $157 for females and this is used for food stamp calculations
Low cost diet is $228 per month for males and $198 for females and this is used by bankruptcy courts
Average diet is $284 per month for males and $242 per month for females
Liberal diet is $348 per month for males and $312 per month for females and is used to calculate Armed Services subsistence $ rate

Gallup Poll states the average in middle class male is $157 per month and female is $146 and varies little with age brackets and economic variation.

Soooo, how frugal are you and how honest in your calculations as to what you spend on one person per month for groceries as above and for eating out. Use $8 for breakfast with tip, $11 for lunch with tip and $20 for dinner with tip. How much????

Remember the tendency is if you eat out a lot you will use fast food outlets and buffets and restaurants with high carbohydrate meals to reduce cost and seek fullness.

No wonder we are gaining weight
 Dr. B

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thanks for Asking

Thank you for asking about Your Weight Loss For Life. We are the only program that is truly medically managed because a doctor or nurse practitioner is present for every clinic visit. We are also the only program that has a Certified Professional Coach led coaching program that assists you in achieving and maintaining your new healthy weight. Our weekly fee is $25 per week. Your individualized healthy weight program dictates any additional costs. Your first visit is FREE to meet our staff and receive an evaluation that identifies your muscle and fat percentage as well as your REAL AGE.
Visit our Blog from the website.
Visit our Facebook 
Call 402-812-8400 to schedule a FREE visit. 
Dr B

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Why Weight Loss For Your Company

Why Your Company Should Support Weight Loss
1. Only disease that returns monetary investment in < 3 months
2. As little as 10 pound loss will increase human capital engagement
3. Reduces DM type 2 and its complications
4. Slows progression of all chronic diseases
5. Decreases use of prescriptions
6. Increases activity level
7. Increases work productivity and engagement
8. Decreases accidents
9. Decreases cancer incidence and enhances treatments of cancer

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Additional Hints to lose and maintain weight loss!!

               Additional Hints to lose and maintain weight loss!!

1.     Avoid multi-tasking ( one thing at a time ) – increases stress and causes abdominal obesity
2.     Recognize when you need a break – take time to listen to your body
3.     Schedule time off and be silent
4.     Short 5-10 minute walks every hour – equals 3-4 miles per day
5.     Fix your water in the refrigerator with lemons/oranges or cucumbers – 8 glasses per day
6.     Learn to appreciate hunger from boredom, stress and thirst
7.     Never say I can’t
8.     Work on muscle while you watch TV – 1-2 minutes during commercials
9.  . Become physically flexible
1. After healthy weight achieved, remember to keep protein high
1. Beware of alcohol, tobacco and artificial sweeteners
1. What are your goals and life intentions – REALLY
1. 4Ps = power, passion, playfulness, purpose
4Ls = live, laugh, learn, listen

Monday, November 10, 2014



            The fat free craze in the 1990s coincided with a massive uptick in artificial sweetener use. There is a direct association between artificial sweeteners and obesity and type 2 diabetes. Artificial sweeteners are just another part of our fascination with overly sweet foods.
            Because there are no calories it seems artificial sweeteners would help with weight loss. Studies repeatedly find that guzzling diet sodas is actually associated with an elevated risk of obesity (especially abdominally) and type 2 diabetes. The July 2013 journal Trends in Endocrinology did an analytical review and confirmed the correctness of these previous studies.
            The artificial sweetener tricks your body. The sweet taste tells your brain you consumed sugar. The brain tells the pancreas to make insulin but there is no sugar consumed. The excess insulin removes existing sugar from your blood making cravings for carbohydrates rise and deposits the available sugar into belly fat. When the artificial sweetener is consumed in a caffeinated beverage the caffeine further increases cravings and appetite in general.
            Artificial sweeteners help reset your palate (taste buds) to look for hyper sweet sugar laden foods. This does not have to be cookies and pastry but fatty foods can be substituted by the body to accomplish this craving satisfaction.
            When you limit or eliminate artificial sweeteners you reset your palate to a normal level. To distract from these cravings that you experience increase your protein intake, especially breakfast (30 grams of protein), drink water, and distract yourself with GUMA (Get Up and Move Around)
            It is truly amazing how quickly the cravings will disappear and you will want less sweet and fatty foods and your appetite will decrease.

                                    Doctor’s Diet by Travis Stork, MD

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Holiday Season for You

Holiday Season for You

Tis the time to pay attention to your weight this holiday season. Your goal is to be happy and have a good time but not get caught in the carbohydrate loading phenomenon over the holiday. Water is your friend and make sure you drink 8 glasses a day and certainly one before going out to parties. Move your body around and remember a taste is good but loading up serves no purpose. Call us for maintenance of weight during the holidays. 402-812-8400. Next class is Thursday night at 5:30 to 6:30 on November 20 to get ready for  Thanksgiving
Dr. B is ready to help you

Monday, November 3, 2014



To keep off unhealthy weight for the holidays takes a plan. At Your Weight Loss for life we can help you make that plan with our biometric measurements and multiple diet plans and suggestions.

Come see us and plan for the holidays and then consider entering a weight loss program designed for you to begin after January 1st.

Call us at 402-812-8400 and visit our website

This picture  is what 5 pounds of fat looks like!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Carbohydrates are nasty

Carbohydrates – sugars – that little white powder

            Obesity is TOO much weight for height and BMI is a substitute/surrogate measurement for obesity. Bio-impedance testing is better than BMI for it calculates % fat, %muscle, and biological age, not calendar age.

            For now we are going to address carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and are found as simple sugars or complex starches.
Saccharide is a Greek word used in science for sugar. Carbohydrates (saccharides) are in groups called mono(1),  di (2),  and poly (>or= 3) meaning how many saccharides/carbohydrates are connected.  Mono and di are commonly called sugars. Formaldehyde is the simplest sugar/carbohydrate.

            Simple di-saccharides are sugar and lactose found in candy, jams, bakery and processed foods. Sugar is composed of 2 mono-saccharides (glucose+fructose). Glucose we need and fructose we do not need.  In 1900 we consumed approximately 16 pounds of sugar per person per year. ( Go to the grocery store and put #16 sugar in your shopping cart) Today we consume 120 pounds of sugar per year per person. Half is fructose and it is processed through the liver directly into fat. Fructose is 70 times more sweet than glucose. (We like it more each year)

            One 12 ounce can of coke has 40 grams of sugar. 20 grams is glucose that we use for energy but 20 grams is fructose that we do not want. Current recommendations limit fructose to 25 grams per day. ) Ooops! Our current fruits are much more lush and juicy than 20 years ago and the primary sugar is the unuseable fructose that grows as we let the fruit ripen.

            Fructose is a mono-saccharide, simple sugar that increases insulin resistance ( makes you put on fat). It increases secretion of ILGF-1 ( Insulin Like Growth Factor-1) that is associated with increase cancers, decreased response to cancer treatment and increased aging. Fructose increases biologic aging, increases fat deposition, activates the “Grim Reaper Gene”, deactivates the “Sweet Sixteen Gene”, changes hormone function, and increases nervous system irritability.

            Because of fructose ingestion there is a joining of fructose with our body’s proteins. This produces ( AGEs) advanced glycation end products. These toxic molecules in your body combine with collagen to increase skin deterioration and wrinkles. They also increase lipids, Cerebrovascular Disease, Coronary Artery Disease,  Cancer, Gout and the general inflammatory response. The inflammatory response is directly related to Coronary Artery Disease and arthritis.

            An additional disaster is AGE products decrease telomere length and cause our individual body cells to die earlier. The longer the telomere the longer is cell life and the telomere is in the DNA genes of our cells. The shorter the telomere the shorter is cell life.
            Polysaccharides and complex carbohydrates are starches. Starches are found in vegetables, cereals, bread, pastry, bagels and doughnuts (My old favorite food). Fiber is a complex carbohydrate as well.

            No carbohydrate is an essential nutrient. Protein and fat ARE essential nutrients. Nutrients in food are directly related to digestion speed, cooking methodology, soil content, and age of the item.  Bananas are an example of a food that increases fructose contents as it ripens (yellows) and thus one of the highest fructose foods.

            Our fast food industry uses processed food, high in salt and sugar to increase shelf life. A Twinkie from 1964 tastes the same as one from 2014. Try it. An adage to remember is “never eat at a restaurant in town when there is more than one of them present – McDonalds, Arby’s, Popeyes etc.”
            What should we do? Become the CEO of your life style!  Do not remain an unconscious eater.
1.     Decrease carbohydrate intake to < 150 grams/day and limit fructose to 25 grams/day
2.     Increase protein to >100 grams/day
3.     Consume 64 ounces of water / day
4.     Sleep 7-8 hours per night
5.     Limit stress by the best way for yourself – we can  help you find that
6.     Exercise moderately unless you make a living from sports
7.     Space your meals – no skipping meals
8.     Start the day at breakfast with 30 grams of protein
9.     Eat protein supplements of high quality at 10 am, 3 pm and bedtime
10. Avoid fructose foods such as candy and condiments (ketchup)
11. Limit alcohol to 1 drink / day – 100 calories of alcohol carbs.
12. Limit artificial sweeteners
13. No tobacco
14. Eat with you non dominant hand – slows intake

So, if you want to live an active full life to avoid unwanted illnesses, start consciously eating. Nursing Homes, wheelchairs, joint replacements and inactivity in retirement are not our goals.

            We have all been taught wrongly about food and nutrition. Now is the time to become the CEO of your life style. Do not be the first generation to live a shorter life span than their parents did.

            For you reading this, think also about the money you will save. If you make changes for self, family and business, the cost of health insurance will not be $16,000 per year for a young family of four. If you have a BMI of >30 you are adding $3000 per year for out of pocket expenses plus 3 prescriptions and if you have a BMI of >35 you are adding $6000 per year for out of pocket expenses plus 5-6 prescriptions.
            Eating out consciously will save money. Grocery shopping with a plan will save money.  Eating high quality protein supplements will save you money and increase your life span. Avoid the “7-11 type” food stores, and all fast food establishments. Understanding food labels will allow you to eat better and lose weight. Medication usage will be less and accidents will be less likely.

            Make food your medicine starting now. Make health a priority. Make quality longevity your goal, not eating. You can do it! We all can do it!, Your family can do it! Your business can do it! Help each other. Look great in your new clothes. Move freely.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Weight Loss is Number 1

Weight Loss is Number 1

I am in rehabilitation at Brookstone Meadows for my second total knee replacement. It is my observation that the number of people who have them is increasing and not because of sports such as my 8 years of competitive football and basketball but because of weight. If it is weight caused and that is most likely 75% of the knees, then if the weight is not lost before or at the time of surgery, recovery is limited and never fully reflected in activity and no pain.

We need to recognize this and be advocates for our family, friends and businesses to keep our BMIs below 30 ALWAYS. The recent article in OWH about BMI measurement being an intrusion by the government is simply our collective desire to ignore a health problem that will cause nursing homes to be the number 1 growth industry in the USA.'

Such a long way to go. My BMI was 34.41 at March 2014 and today it is 27.47 and my knees say Thank You as does the rest of my body

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Why Obesity Treatment is no Longer an Option

Why Obesity Treatment  Is No Longer A Treatment Option

Recent published research indicates that individuals with a body mass index (BMI) above 40 are robbed of 6 ½  years of life. Those higher can lose as much as 14 years. This is complicated by the fact that morbidity ( problems  from obesity) decreases the quality of life and enjoyment as the BMI moves over 30 and climbs. Not only is there death and disability but each year people over BMI 30 spend $3,500 more each year on health care and related items and at BMI of 35 this reaches $6000. This is a big problem for individuals and companies
Let us examine the company first. How does treating obesity through your company  wellness program help your employees and your organization? The current health care regulations allow Participatory and Health Contingent  Programs .  Health Contingent Programs can have penalties or benefits  up to 30% of premiums  for employee cost only. ERISA indicates that  everyone must be involved and it must be outcome based or participation activity. Smoking is up to 50% benefit or penalty. The benefits may be gift cards, discounts on premiums, waived co-payments.
Weight Loss for those with excess weight is the only intervention that yields immediate results. Tobacco cessation although commendable will not benefit for years and weight loss is immediately associated with decreased individual and corporate expense as well as decreased medication costs for the individual and more engagement in life and work.
Those companies that are self insured and insurers are only 3rd party administrators have more freedom to create unique and effective programs. Using an expanded HSAs or FSAs is a simple method of reward.
The number one way to lose weight is with initial meal replacement coupled with weekly coaching / education and a maintenance program once the desired weight is reached ( usually < than 30 BMI)).

Secondly let us examine the cost.  All too often people and companies complain that they cannot afford weight loss. They really cannot afford to NOT have weight loss in their wellness program for weight loss is the ONLY way to realize immediate results and profitability to employee and employer.
Chasing the American Dream  is a book that helps address the cost of entering a diet program. A moderate grocery plan for an individual is listed at $3200/ year ($264/ month).  Really on the low side if you talk to the person on the street.  Eating out at restaurants is listed at $960 per year ( $80/ month) .
Eating lunch each day for $8 is $40 per week  ($160 /month). Insurance and out of pocket expenses are $2500 per year ($208/month) People who are age 50 or greater often have 4 doctors and 5 medications which can be reduced by weight loss as little as 10%. Cable, satellite, internet and cellphone is $780 per year ( $65/ month).
If your BMI is greater than 30 you can expect $250/ month more in copays, medications and treatments
If your BMI is greater than 35 you can expect $542/ month more in copays, medications and treatments.
If one adds groceries, restaurants and lunches the monthly food is $514. If the Insurance out of pocket is added you have  $722 dollars per month.  The BMI costs will be ignored for now. By recognizing that when you go on meal replacement (the most effective) and coaching prgrams you have the greatest success. This coupled with weekly physician/NP visits is essential to your success and sustainability.
Soooo, taking a look at the Obesity issue, it is the only intervention medically that can yield immediate ROI to the individual and the company. All other wellness programs are commendable but return is delayed for years and might never be realized in your company.