Monday, July 11, 2016

Decision Fatigue

Decision Fatigue

Plaid or stripes, flats or heels, tall or grande, latte or drip, soy milk, almond milk, rice milk?
WE each make 35,000 decisions per day
EXHAUSTING -  no wonder we have little time for sleep, recreation, friends, exercise or mindful eating

STOP being the decider of everything (busyaholic).  Others can decide, some things do not need a decision.

Decision Fatigue is draining of the will from the art of decision making - do not want to do anymore

Paradox of Choice is too many choices paralyzes people from making decisions at all.

Why  do we have these two problems?  We overvalue data and choice. When everything is measurable then everything seems knowable . Small decisions become big ones.

Data does not = power.  Choices does not = freedom. Having data and choices results in neither.

What can I do? Have an electronic free day each week - no phone, no text, no computer, no data review, no TV, no radio. Can you do it? The feeling is weird and then exhilarating.

Weight gain can be directly linked to decision fatigue. Increased stress is the mechanism that transfers decision fatigue into weight gain.

Let our coaching relieve you of this factor in the weight gain arena.

Dr B

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Exercise the cheapest medicine


32 studies – exercise reduced pain and increased function of osteoarthritic knee
10 studies – exercise increased endurance and breathing capacity
10 studies – exercise increased strength in rheumatoid arthritis
27 studies – exercise decreased mortality from heart disease, lowered blood pressure and lowered lipids in the blood
23 studies – exercise lessened depression, lessened chronic fatigue syndrome symptom, and improved the quality of life for Parkinson and Multiple Sclerosis patients
12 studies – exercise reduced the stay in the hospital and achieved earlier discharges and decreased re-admits to the hospital
9 studies – exercise increased mental function in nursing home patients

What is exercise?

1.     150 minutes per week of physical aerobic activity that raises pulse to about 120 and makes you minimally short of breath – 40-50 minutes three times a week
2.     Lifting weights three times a week to increase muscle.
3.     These two alternate and there is one day of rest

Why do we want pills to replace exercise? Why do we want food to replace exercise?
Why do we not exercise? Do we not see the cheap benefit of exercise?

Coaching as part of our program helps clarify and define the reasons so you can really achieve weight loss for life!!!

Supplements and you

Supplements and You
(Frontline, New York Times, and Canadian Broadcasting Company - sources)

Americans spend $1.3 Billion dollars on fish oil products.
     1 in 10 people take fish oil supplements
     No clinical benefit in peer reviewed, evidence based articles
     75% do no have the Omega-3 amount in them that is listed
The entities above examined vitamins, fish oil and "fat burning supplements"
Note that supplements are unregulated by the FDA and the Federal Government
Adulteration and contamination are common place
There are multiple outbreaks of disease associated with these supplements and "fat burning supplements"
There are 117 companies with filed criminal and civil enforcement actions against them in 2015 by the Department of Justice
We all know that prescription medicines have side effects and we are warned about these in detail by their required inserts.
Supplements undergo no vigorous investigation
Why would you be willing to use these untested pills (supplements) in your body  and worry about dyes and coloring in other foods and instead take supplements that we do not know what is in them.
Remember their labels do not have to reflect the contents.
Eating healthy is the best way to protect yourself from these unscrupulous manufacturers.
Eating healthy is the only way.
Remember location (types of restaurants or stores),  choices ( learn what is in your choices - protein, carbohydrates and fat ) portions  (size and how much you eat ) and speed of eating are the way to become and remain healthy.

We focus on this at Your Weight Loss For Life

Dr. B

Monday, July 4, 2016

Aging Families

cAs we age, there is increasing pressure to consider alternate living arrangements from our families and friends and from our children. It seems simple to arrange but it is not.

Legislation such as “The Older American Act” has not kept pace with a growing elderly community. The facts are:
            1 in 3 Americans are older than 50
            in 15 years 1 in 5 will be older than 65
            average life expectancy is now 79 years
            more than 50% of people older than 65 have two or more chronic illnesses
            this group of people averages 8 prescription medicines to manage
            there circle of supportive friends is shrinking.

Aging Families

Families grapple with decisions regarding parents, grandparents all living longer but not with quality lives. Moving from a home of many years to a independent living facility is traumatic and confusing. This is especially so with chronic illnesses draining the energy every day. Refitting an older home to accommodate people with disabilities is costly. What are the costs:
            1/3 of monthly payment is for rent
            2/3 goes to “service charges”
                        some transportation
                        medication management
                        daily security checks
            Grand total is conservatively $6,000 per month ($72,000 per year)

What can we all do to help parents and grandparents and ourselves avoid these ever increasing costs. FIRST, older means wiser, it does not have to mean old age.
By investing in our Health Portfolio now we can stay active, slow the slope of the aging process, and increase our shelf life.

To slow the process and and decrease the slope we need to do the following:
            be active and exercising mindfully every day
            work smarter now
            eat better
            weigh appropriately
            learn nutrition
            use our minds every day
            increase our mental strength as well as our physical strength.

Starting now may make the alternate living arrangement obsolete or only a short time. It is never too late to change and be healthy.

Dr. B