Sunday, March 29, 2015

Choices to practice before summer


-NO fast food restaurants
-No restaurants with a single first name eg Cecil’s
-No appetizers
-Desserts only once a week and not Friday, Saturday, Sunday
-No buffets
-Smallest portions possible
-No breads
-Eat half of what you are served
-Largest meal breakfast or lunch NOT dinner
- Bedtime snacks only protein or small fruit
-Colorful vegetables – steamed
-HYDRATE before meals
- Eat opposite handed
-Decrease stimulants – caffeine, nicotine, toabacco, alcohol
-Increase salads using only red wine vinegar only
-Minimal grilled products – no fried and breaded
-Increase non meat protein supplements
-Fast one day a week to understand your hunger
-GUMA – Get  Up and Move Around
- Get a hobby that that requires activity
- TV less than 20 hours per week
-Eat separate from TV
-Sleep 7-8 hours – quiet one hour before bedtime
-Sleep hygiene

-Be conscious of your weight and calorie needs

Monday, March 23, 2015

Why Fat??

It is no longer what I can do to food but what it can do to me!!!

Choices, portions, timing, content, environment, self-pride and genetics all play a role. Self-pride in how we look and how we are viewed is ignored.

Choices refer to the types of food we consume. Ethnic upbringing and family traditions help create these choices.  Celebrations are centered upon food and ingrained from childhood. Social activities relentlessly move toward eating and sitting usually late at night as we age.

Aging decreases the natural caloric burn in our bodies. We become enthralled with alcohol as a social interaction and necessity. Appetizers and bread before meals enhances carbohydrate intake and changes the mechanisms we are born with to handle high carbohydrate food items.

We have all been led astray by unscientific observations and zombie statistics perpetrated upon us by medicine and money focused food lobbies.

Advertising is a reinforcement of our family experiences. Because we pay to eat out we feel obligated to finish our meals that are gargantuan in proportion to our needs.

We become ostriches in effect. We keep our head in the sand, avoid the daily scale assessments of our control, buy new clothes and allow our right frontal lobe to no loner accurately assess our appearance.

You can get rid of these if you undertake a real life style change. It is never to late to be healthy and to live better longer.

Dr. B

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Recent question about Vinegar Diets

I had a call from a nurse asking about the Vinegar Diet that is the rave among her friends. It wants you to consume 1-2 tsps in 8 ounces of water 1-2 times per day. The only study published in a peer reviewed journal is from Japan where 175 people were divided between the vinegar additive and not but the food intake was consistent between the two. After 8 weeks the vinegar people had lost 1.5 pounds and the non vinegar people gained 1.5 pounds. Not a resounding success. This another example of fad-diets that purport to be quick fixes but are NOT life style changes.

I recommend as a salad dressing vinegar with a squeeze of lemon and a touch of Parmesan cheese crumbles to create a tangy dressing with almost no calories.

There was some talk that vinegar stabilizes your blood sugar levels. Researchers stated that there was benefit to the level of emptying your flooded basement with a teaspoon. Right action but success limited.

Be cautious about marketing ANY item or program that purports to have a fix that does not require an individual life style change.

Come listen to our education @ Saturday at 10 am for 30 minutes. Also remember that I will be walking one mile with any body who shows up on the 2nd Saturday at 8 am and the 4th Wednesday at 6 pm Then answering medical questions in an open forum for 40 minutes after.

Dr. B