Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thanks for Asking

Thank you for asking about Your Weight Loss For Life. We are the only program that is truly medically managed because a doctor or nurse practitioner is present for every clinic visit. We are also the only program that has a Certified Professional Coach led coaching program that assists you in achieving and maintaining your new healthy weight. Our weekly fee is $25 per week. Your individualized healthy weight program dictates any additional costs. Your first visit is FREE to meet our staff and receive an evaluation that identifies your muscle and fat percentage as well as your REAL AGE.
Visit our Blog from the website.
Visit our Facebook 
Call 402-812-8400 to schedule a FREE visit. 
Dr B

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Why Weight Loss For Your Company

Why Your Company Should Support Weight Loss
1. Only disease that returns monetary investment in < 3 months
2. As little as 10 pound loss will increase human capital engagement
3. Reduces DM type 2 and its complications
4. Slows progression of all chronic diseases
5. Decreases use of prescriptions
6. Increases activity level
7. Increases work productivity and engagement
8. Decreases accidents
9. Decreases cancer incidence and enhances treatments of cancer

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Additional Hints to lose and maintain weight loss!!

               Additional Hints to lose and maintain weight loss!!

1.     Avoid multi-tasking ( one thing at a time ) – increases stress and causes abdominal obesity
2.     Recognize when you need a break – take time to listen to your body
3.     Schedule time off and be silent
4.     Short 5-10 minute walks every hour – equals 3-4 miles per day
5.     Fix your water in the refrigerator with lemons/oranges or cucumbers – 8 glasses per day
6.     Learn to appreciate hunger from boredom, stress and thirst
7.     Never say I can’t
8.     Work on muscle while you watch TV – 1-2 minutes during commercials
9.  . Become physically flexible
1. After healthy weight achieved, remember to keep protein high
1. Beware of alcohol, tobacco and artificial sweeteners
1. What are your goals and life intentions – REALLY
1. 4Ps = power, passion, playfulness, purpose
4Ls = live, laugh, learn, listen

Monday, November 10, 2014



            The fat free craze in the 1990s coincided with a massive uptick in artificial sweetener use. There is a direct association between artificial sweeteners and obesity and type 2 diabetes. Artificial sweeteners are just another part of our fascination with overly sweet foods.
            Because there are no calories it seems artificial sweeteners would help with weight loss. Studies repeatedly find that guzzling diet sodas is actually associated with an elevated risk of obesity (especially abdominally) and type 2 diabetes. The July 2013 journal Trends in Endocrinology did an analytical review and confirmed the correctness of these previous studies.
            The artificial sweetener tricks your body. The sweet taste tells your brain you consumed sugar. The brain tells the pancreas to make insulin but there is no sugar consumed. The excess insulin removes existing sugar from your blood making cravings for carbohydrates rise and deposits the available sugar into belly fat. When the artificial sweetener is consumed in a caffeinated beverage the caffeine further increases cravings and appetite in general.
            Artificial sweeteners help reset your palate (taste buds) to look for hyper sweet sugar laden foods. This does not have to be cookies and pastry but fatty foods can be substituted by the body to accomplish this craving satisfaction.
            When you limit or eliminate artificial sweeteners you reset your palate to a normal level. To distract from these cravings that you experience increase your protein intake, especially breakfast (30 grams of protein), drink water, and distract yourself with GUMA (Get Up and Move Around)
            It is truly amazing how quickly the cravings will disappear and you will want less sweet and fatty foods and your appetite will decrease.

                                    Doctor’s Diet by Travis Stork, MD

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Holiday Season for You

Holiday Season for You

Tis the time to pay attention to your weight this holiday season. Your goal is to be happy and have a good time but not get caught in the carbohydrate loading phenomenon over the holiday. Water is your friend and make sure you drink 8 glasses a day and certainly one before going out to parties. Move your body around and remember a taste is good but loading up serves no purpose. Call us for maintenance of weight during the holidays. 402-812-8400. Next class is Thursday night at 5:30 to 6:30 on November 20 to get ready for  Thanksgiving
Dr. B is ready to help you

Monday, November 3, 2014



To keep off unhealthy weight for the holidays takes a plan. At Your Weight Loss for life we can help you make that plan with our biometric measurements and multiple diet plans and suggestions.

Come see us and plan for the holidays and then consider entering a weight loss program designed for you to begin after January 1st.

Call us at 402-812-8400 and visit our website

This picture  is what 5 pounds of fat looks like!!!!