Monday, December 28, 2015

Handout for Week January 11, 2016

Soda Addiction - Regular and Diet
( Prevention Magazine 1/2016 by Aviva Patz reference)

Drinking soda provides a caffeine high, a sweet jolt and the enjoyment of popping the can. Yes even artificial sweeteners can provide the sweet jolt. These sweeteners stimulate the production of insulin and thus lower your blood sugar and increase cravings and increase the propensity for insulin resistance. These metabolic effects lead to belly fat, weakened bones, and the metabolic syndrome ( high blood pressure, elevated glucose (regular), cravings (artifical), and elevated cholesterol )

What we need to do is "crush the can or throw away the plastic bottle" It takes  21 days to break a habit with a new one.

The steps are as follows:

1.  Why do you want it? Boredom? Energy? Substitute coffee or tea for the caffeine
2.  Replace "I can't have a soda" with " I do not drink soda"
3.   Ask friends to support you
4.   Identify the high risk times for you and avoid them or substitute something, not food
5,   Check your thyroid function and think about estrogen and progesterone levels
6.   An addiction leads to decreased dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine ( feel happy chemicals)
7,   Addictions can lead to insomnia , headaches, fatigue, depression
8,   Increase protein intake, do not skip meals, get sleep
9.   Use our Blue Cards to assess your weak times
10, Add vanilla extract, coconut or cinnamon to coffees to make them more tasty
11. Dash of salt to sweets enhances their sweetness - watermelon and salt most common used
12. REMEMBER one a day is most likely not bad, it is the excess or chronic use that makes the       difference

Dr B

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Specific – What do you want? Why do you want to diet?

Unconditional – No excuses! “I can do it!”

Clarity – Be clear about the road to success

Consciousness – Be awake to your eating and habits

Energized – Enthusiastic, committed every day

Selfish – Focused on self and what YOU want (use NO!)

Support – Your Weight Loss for Life and who else? Be specific.

Call us to learn about the new approach.

Dr. B 402-812-8400

The Healthy U - What we have learned in 2015

The Healthy U - What we have learned in 2015

On Saturday December 19 at 10 am at Your Weight Loss For Life Dr. Bouda will recap the 2015 learnings for the #1 Weight Loss Program in Omaha. Do you want to live healthy. Do you want vitality and zest every day. Come and share our analysis of or our patient experience and review of the literature. A perfect way to learn how to become the New You in the New Year!

Dr B

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Positive Emotions

Positive Emotions – Are They Really Necessary – YOU BET!!!

Positive emotions are essential for change, growth, functioning, health and well-being. You can choose to convert negative self-talk that currently tends to plague your daily life. START with “I CAN”

The following are common types of thinking that can get you in trouble fast!

Rationalizing -  I can eat what I want now that I hit my weight goal.

Underestimating Consequences – Walking every day really does not matter to my weight

Deluded Thinking – I blew it with that donut, might as well keep eating

Arbitrary Rules – I was raised to clean my plate

Mind Reading – I will hurt their feelings if I say no to her cake

Exaggerating – I can not LIVE without my chocolate ( actually you cannot live with it)

Justifying – I deserve to pig out – I am so depressed

Emotional reasoning -  I feel fat, I will never look good enough

The approach is reframing and we can help you do this at Your Weight Loss For Life with our coaches and doctor/nurses who ARE present for all visits to our program. This  will build confidence, resilience, and make you flexible tolerate change. Come see us to start your new LifeStyle Journey.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems Healthification Navigation

Advanced Wellness Systems Healthification Navigation

Your Weight Loss For Life and Bouda Life Coaching have united under Advanced Wellness Systems (AWS) to create a Healthification Organization. Yes, HEALTHIFICATION, because we have learned from our experience that most of us have bad lifestyle habits that affect our quantity and quality of our lives. Now, coaching and cutting edge life style changes can reduce or eliminate the bad effects of these habits. We all want to be happy, healthy, vibrant and playfull. 

To achieve this AWS has combined our unique skills to create an environment dedicated to maximizing your potential for health. AWS has doctors, nurse practitioners, psychologists, counselors, coaches, programs and an individualized approach to each individual’s dilemma. Remember, to create new healthy habits is an effort and AWS is here to assist you in achieving this. No food tastes as good as health feels, no day battling a chronic illness feels as good as having one with gusto, goals and vigor waiting for you to wade in. Let AWS make you “live long and prosper!”

The Reason for Healthification

Katy Glover in the OWH on Saturday 8/9/2015 wrote a wonderful article supporting our own decision to form AWS. Healthcare has been in the business of taking care of you when sick, but not in the business of keeping you well. Katy pointed out that our quantity of life had increased to 78.9 years. Our healthy years are only 67.2 thus leaving 11.6 years of living with debilitating chronic diseases. This gap continues to widen each year. No wonder there is a growth in nursing homes, Alzheimer facilities, assisted living homes and grouped independent living facilities.

We know at AWS that more than 50% of our chronic debilitating diseases come from habits and lifestyle choices. Despite wanting to live longer, we do not take action by ourselves to make this happen and instead we depend on medicine to take care of our illnesses rather than us preventing them. Medicine is focused on the sick and does not make us more healthy and independent and vibrant. Our diseases in the USA are not infections, sanitation issues, lack of medicine, lack of hospitals but a lack of education and understanding in how to enjoy a healthy life.

AWS is committed to extending life with accompanying quality. We are about responsible aging that begins much sooner than when the doctor states you have diabetes. We want to learn those healthy behaviors and good habits that stop or lessen the onset of age/lifestyle diseases. 

Early detection and screening are great but even better is learning how to live, act and eat so these tests have NOTHING to find.

The USA ranks 37th in life expectancy. Andorra located in the Pyrenees between France and Spain has an average life expectancy of 83.9 years and Lesotho, a landlocked country in southeast Africa, has the shortest life expectancy of 48.3 years.

At the time when modifiable lifestyle risk factors have been identified, our health care system is focused on more complex procedures, massive cancer centers, toxic drugs and monetarily focused on the industrial/administrative/medical bureaucracy survival and not health education, encouragement, and engagement for lifestyle changes.

AWS offers an answer to those interested in investing time and talent into their lives rather than unconsciously riding the waves of what is new that requires no effort.


            24 X 7Answering Service for phone calls
            Monthly Visits for navigation assistance
            Healthy weight maintenance
            Coaching by professional trained staff
            Semi-Annual history and physical to assess progress
            Access to economical laboratory testing
            Ability to order x-rays and specialist consults      
            Pharmacy management and prescription refill for client
            Work in conjunction with your PCP if desired to achieve optimum care
            Parenting program for Teens and Tweens
            Facing Cancer Together support from our book and seminars
            Walk with a Doctor 2nd Saturday 0800 and 4th Wednesday 1800 to exercise and obtain free    doctor interaction

WHEN – MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8-5 BY PHONE APPOINTMENT 402-598- 7909 Dr.                Bouda’s Cell

Monday, October 26, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems #12

Advanced Wellness Systems #12

Aging is negotiable but death is not. Learn to think rationally about your own dithered decide to deal with it in your way with panache and as much dignity and little pain as possible. Life is about impermanence and unpredictability. Do not die badly or take way too long or get all maudlin about it and make lots of other people miserable and guilty. Do not expend resources on silly services. Enjoy your family, friends and associates when you are in good spirits and active. Do not wait to tell people you love them. Do not delay in telling the truth. Live each day and love the life you live or live the life you love.

Thank you

Dr. B

Friday, October 23, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems #11

Advanced Wellness Systems #11

Prepare yourself for middle age and any age that might follow. Master the keys for compressing senescence and morbidity. Middle age is a myth. It happens only to those who believe in it. Of course, eventually, we all slow down as we become much older but how much we slow at how fast a pace is up to us. Middle age does not occur when you move the mirror from above your bed and replace it with a poster of the food pyramid. Focus not on life extension but on the quality of life in the extension. You will need a partner and coach as you journey through this time.

Dr. B

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems #10

Advanced Wellness Systems #10

Favor pleasure seeking over pain avoidance. Sustain your motivation for high performance and joy with positive incentives and payoffs. Coaching will assist you in being coherent in your actions and intentions. Always look on the bright side when pondering life style investments. The wellness alternative is to do the right thing which is to perform sensible acts of a healthy nature that will have positive life enhancing returns.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems #9

Advanced Wellness Systems #9

All forms of contemporary medicine, whether scientific, alternative, complementary, or functional harbor elements (practitioners, modalities, remedies, procedures and customs) that are ineffective, inappropriate, dangerous, bogus and otherwise ill advised. This is why a Physician Coach and a Healthification Navigation Program are so important in your PDP. Undeveloped scientific reasoning skills and a related predisposition to easy answers and a disdain for science create high levels of credulity and gullibility. Every one needs a Physician Coach and a Healthification Navigation Program to sort out the new age babble, psychofacts and synthetic truths.
TREATMENT- the art of applying and performing remedies with the intent of effecting a healing, often multidisciplinary, and always involving the participation of the patient
DIET- A regulated selection of food and drink that maintains a healthy vibrant weight, provides adequate nutritional foundation to recover from remedies if necessary and gives pleasure to the consumer
EXERCISE- Any activity that requires physical and mental exertion that results in some shortness of breath and perspiration performed to develop and maintain physical fitness
ATTITUDE- A state of mind or feeling arrived at through individual effort that sees the future as positive and the necessary remedies as effective. It is also protective for unwanted interferences and harmful emotions.
SPIRITUAL- A non-tangible or material power that pervades all things and source of comfort and energy for those who join with it to guide, enhance and empower their lives.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Advanced Wellness System #8

Advanced Wellness System #8

Assess and upgrade your personal vital signs. Know your BMI and get it below 29 for sure. Learn what your body composition is. Our 9-Point Health Assessment gives you the % fat, % muscle, % visceral fat, and your biological age to compare to your actual age. Additional factors you need to know are your cholesterol, trigylerides, heart rate, blood pressure, waist size, flexibility, endurance and muscle strength. Switch your focus to a high protein diet, low in carbohydrates and hydrate. Practice our NEAT, GUMA and FITT program. Get coaching to make these changes.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems #7

Advanced Wellness Systems #7

Choose serenity when you need it. Unmanaged stress is at epidemic levels, you can not medicate it away, though millions surely try. Coping is impossible - there are simply way too many events and circumstances producing stress. Eventually, you will succumb ( get ill, act crazy, wet your pants ) to daily pressures, anxieties, fears and so on. Learn lifestyle artistry, beginning with a different mindset about stress that acknowledges that you have a choice as to how to perceive and respond to all events and circumstances that could potentially provoke the stress response. Choose an outlook that enables you to be serene at a moment's notice, no matter what. Be coherent! Learn SAHEMS ( Self Applied Health Enhancement Maneuvers) like yoga, meditation, pilates, prayer, exercise, massage or mindfulness in the moment.

Dr B

Monday, October 12, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems #6

Advanced Wellness Systems #6

Become a bottom feeder on the food pyramid. Americans eat too much, choose foods unwisely, waste a fortune on unnecessary pills and are uninformed about how to effectively change their dietary habits . This is not a pretty picture - each year we spend billions on quick fix diets and unproven anti-aging services. Hopefully you will become un-American in this respect. Understand that carbohydrates are your enemy, protein the king. Spend time on hydration, vegetables, high protein foods and protein supplements and avoid processed foods. Processed foods contain too much salt, sugar and fat. Remember protein supplements need a PDAACS (Protein Digestibility Amino Acid Corrected Score) of one to be effective. Dedicate yourself to the production of an award winning fluffy floater every day.

Dr B

Friday, October 9, 2015

Advance Wellness Systems #5

Advance Wellness Systems #5

Laughter!! Be resolute in your pursuit of your own RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of DBLUs (Deep Belly Laugh Units).  Humorous moments of laughter, delight, play, merriment and all manner of lighthearted joy are seen as luxuries, optional diversions to pursue on weekends when the serious business of work and other responsibilities have been attended. This is a high risk outlook and should be modified. It is hazardous to your health and a barrier to high performance. You need daily pleasures, in fact, hourly smiles, daily gratitude and even frequent guffaws are conducive to, necessary for and compatible with realizing and maintaining our highest potential for physical and especially psychological, emotional and spiritual well being. Do not wait for the government to establish the RDA for DBLUs. Resolve to obtain 20 units per day. Wellness invites more than the minimal standard.

Dr B

Looking for success

Looking for success

OWH 9/20/2015

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet discussion on success that applies to weight loss

1. Invest in your education - we have education classes every Saturday, 94 blogs reachable by our website and 60 videos plus our notebook and to be successful you must understand how to maintain your healthy weight
2. Avoid procrastination - Start now
3. Embrace bad news to learn what you have to do
4. Learn to say no - manage your time, 1% of a week (168 hours) should not be a problem nor a burden to be a success
5. Concentrate on things that really make a difference
6. Pursue optimism at all times
7. Set a clear goal and measure it daily
8. Use your support - available twice a week or more- to stay focused on your goal

Dr. B

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems #4

Advanced Wellness Systems #4

Develop your own personal development plan (PDP) and make conscious the continuing quest for satisfying meaning and purpose. Are you comfortable articulating ideas about the meaning of life and questions like "Why are you here?" or "What is it all about?". A lack of interest in or curiosity about these timeless questions may signal a need to reassess the adequacy of your sense of meaning and purpose at work and in everyday life. Lack of delight in these kinds of questions is often due to cultural propaganda, dogmas, group think or norms that do not encourage free inquiry, curiosity and a search for a new meaning as a fascinating exercise This could have adverse consequences insofar as maintaining a challenging, healthy lifestyle. Learn to really look, see, tell the truth and take authentic actions with focus, clarity, ease and grace.

Dr B

Monday, October 5, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems #3

Advanced Wellness Systems #3

Shape an environment conducive to great performances. Your best performances are not likely to come about by accident. Most people muddle along unaware of the multiple ways that family, friends, the workplace and other influences inhibit excellence and even discourage exceptional efforts to overcome the customs of complacency and conformity. Design a supportive culture around yourself that encourages, facilitates and otherwise supports you in living a high performance life day in and day out. Remember to draw  your own support map and to write your personal affirmations every day to make them part of your fabric . Keep a Journal.

Dr B

Attack the week

Attack the week
1. Monday = Appreciation for another week
2. Tuesday = Enthusiasm for a full and quality life
3. Wednesday = Unselfishness - do something for some one else
4. Thursday = Teamsmanship - be a contributing member of your group(s)
5. Friday = Accountability - check up on how you have done
6. Saturday = Family - be together and have fun
7. Sunday = Celebrate your spirituality and God

Journal it for the best effect


Friday, October 2, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems #2

Advanced Wellness Systems #2

Reject societal limitations, claim your uniqueness, and simplify your life. Surpass and transcend normalcy! Develop a lifestyle worthy of an epic existence! Normalcy is aging people prematurely and robbing them of potentials for vitality, high performance, daily enjoyment and work satisfaction. You can do better than being normal. Identify and develop your talents, commitments and passions and find a way to organize an exciting life that makes some parts of each day highly interesting and worthy of your possibilities. Remind yourself that you do not have forever to experience a bit of happiness Remember the the number 1 indicator for happiness is personal health.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating

1. Mindful eating is the ability to cultivate knowledge and experience from and while eating
2. Weight cycling, yo-yo dieting, and disordered eating patterns are common place now
3. Grazing is for cattle not humans
4. Remember choices, locations, portions and speed of eating
5. Never end a meal "full"
6. Look out for emotional eating - stress, celebratory, coping, numbing effect, boredom
7. Be the CEO of your body
8. Adherence to Mindful Eating every meal, every day is the #1 anti-aging treatment

Dr. B

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems #1

Advanced Wellness Systems #1

Move your body around. Make time for exercise every day - 45 minutes with 15 minutes of stretching. Most of us are sick too often, unnecessarily dependent on the medical system, over weight, and given to excessive excuses. Pursue ways to make some kind of challenging exercise fun and satisfying. Start by following our three step approach - NEAT (Non Exercise Additional Thermogenesis) park far away, get things yourself for 4 weeks:  GUMA (Get Up and Move Around) 8-10,000 steps per day for 4 weeks: FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Type, Time) to start developing muscle and endurance for the rest of your life at least 4 days out of 7. Does the 45 minutes seem like too much? It is if mediocrity is good enough  for you. Get started tomorrow.

Dr. B

Monday, September 28, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems Intro

Advanced Wellness Systems Intro

Advanced Wellness Systems is a positive, fun approach to good health and an enjoyable life. It is a mindset or philosophy for seeking physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well being beyond the mediocrity of simply not being sick. It means living your life in a coherent fashion so you enjoy maximum freedom. This is freedom from illness disability and premature death. It is also living in a coherent fashion to enjoy your life, liberty and happiness hassle free. It is a self proclamation for becoming the best person that your potential, genetics, environment, circumstances, family and love enables you. The time has come for personalized wellness medicine and personalized coaching to assure more quality time on this planet earth. It is time for you to relight the fire, ignite your passion and fulfill your lifelong dreams and intentions. You can not accomplish this if you are ill or suffer from faltering energy. Now is the time to take charge of your health and be as discriminating in what you purchase for health and do for health as you are in buying a car or TV.

Dr B.

Obesity Thoughts

Obesity Thoughts

1. It is not calories as much as it is Carbohydrates
2. Huge rich $ / poor $ gap in food intake leading to obesity
3. Even our military has 12.7% obese individuals and the police forces are the most obese @ 15%
4. Time to have obesity talks with is the teens
5. Avoid processed foods and snacks and sodas in the house - no artificial sweeteners
6. Diet goal is Protein 30%, Carbohydrates 30% and Fat 40%
7. Brain is 80% water: hydrate it
8. Increase your spices
9. Call for a free 9-Point Health Assessment to see where you stand and how old you really are!!


Dr. B

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. Hit the plank. Try this isometric abdominal exercise  to challenge your core and whittle your waist. Toes to tough?? drop to your knees but do not dip those hips!

2. There is no elevator to success, yo have to take the stairs!

Dr B

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Healthification Navigation

Healthification Navigation

Advanced Wellness Systems has evolved from Bouda Life Coaching and Your Weight Loss For Life.
We have discovered that our care system in the USA is a "Sick Care System" . We recognize that Health Care System is something different. We believe we all must be helped to navigate through the maze of synthetic truths and find how to care for our own health.
 Inflammation is a major problem and directly related to carbohydrate ingestion and weight.
Paula Spencer Scott has coined the term "Inflammaging" and I like it.
A summary of her September 13, 2015 article follows:
Our body has been exposed to so many inflammatory incidents that makes it "smoldering" This results in obesity, heart disease, stokes and cancer.
How to put out the embers or fire!!
     1. Eat better and LESS.  High protein > 100 grams/ day,  low carbohydrates  < 150 grams/day
     2. Low carbohydrates is our best anti-aging treatment
     3. Positive outlook #1 - get support
     4. Sleep 7-8 hours/day
     5. Quit smoking and using chew
We have 61 videos on our YouTube video discussing these topics and more
Call us to receive a free 9-Point Health Assessment to assess your inflammation and risk factors

Dr. B

Monday, September 21, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. If you still look "good" at the end of a work out then you did not work hard enough!!

2. Most people are Vitamin D deficient - 15 minute walk in sun each day and you are good to go plus you burn some extra calories (GUMA = Get Up and Move Around)

Dr. B

Friday, September 18, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote
1. Eat an apple before a meal to reduce calorie intake by 15%. Eat one before you go to a party!

2. Start today and you will achieve your goal a day earlier than if you start tomorrow!!!

Dr B

Monday, September 14, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. Make a goal to try 1 new workout that you have never done: yoga, pilates, indoor cycling, dancing boxing, rock climbing_ LEAP OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE

2. Tiny Change today brings a dramatically different tomorrow!!!

Dr. B

Midlife Obesity hastens Alzheimer's

Midlife Obesity hastens Alzheimer's

Weight in middle age hastens Alzheimer's Disease the National Institute of Health states. Being overweight or obese at @ age 50 influences the onset of Alzheimer's. Dr. Thambisetty stated that "maintaining a healthy BMI at midlife is likely to have long-lasting protective effects."
Never too late to get started.

Dr. B

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Daily Quote for weekend

Daily Quote for weekend

1. Change your plates to blue or red. Research shows that certain colors suppress appetite because they have the least appealing contrast to foods. Do it and appreciate it.

2. I am not losing weight . I am getting rid of weight. I have no intention of finding it again.

Dr. B

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Inflammation and Depression

Inflammation and Depression

1. Brain uses neuro transmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine - to move signals ( thoughts )

2. Since the early 1990s researchers have been looking at inflammation causing depression

3. Inflammation evolved to protect the body before carbohydrates became so plentiful

4. Inflammation causes swelling, temperature, and malaise to conserve energy (increase fat) and decrease activity

5. Inflammation leads to heart disease, strokes, dementia, Alzheimer's

6. Inflammation  leads to brain pathology (dysfunction) to neuro transmitters are kept from working properly


Psychology Today 8/2015 p.33

Dr. B

Daily Quote

Daily Quote
1. Do not forget weights. They are necessary to increase muscle size - hypertrophy  and the only solid way to do so. Get help to start. More muscle, less fat, better balance, easier movement, longer life.

2. Should I work out today! YES !!!

Dr. B

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote
1. Increase your folate by adding berries and almond milk with frozen spinach to our shakes. Increase nutrition and great taste. For Maintenance people

2. If you are what you should be you will set the whole world on fire!!


Heart Age

Heart Age

The Centers  for Disease Control and Prevention have issued a report on heart age. We are older than we think. Our biological age is greater than our chronological age. Our Nine Point Assessment, free to those who call and schedule and appointment, has a point system to assess your over all health and comes up with a biological age. Changing your lifestyle and losing unnecessary weight changes that age back to your chronological age and reduces visceral fat that is associated with heart attacks and strokes. Call for your free Nine Point Assessment NOW and start getting younger!!

Dr. B

Monday, September 7, 2015

Daily Quote for this week

Daily Quote for this week

1. Water - Buy a snazzy new water bottle, divide your body weight in pounds by 2 and aim to drink that amount in ounces daily.

2. You will never know your limits until you push yourself to them.

Dr B

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote
1. Organic milk packs 62% more omega-3s healthy fats than non-organic milk. This is one organic that can really make a difference

2. Turn Can Not into cans and your dreams into plans


Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. 350 Calories are burned fro 1 hour of hiking. Pack a nutritious picnic and hike the hills.

2. A Diamond is merely a lump of coal that has perfected under pressure.


Friday, September 4, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote
1. Tuna packed in oil has 2X the calories, 8X the fat and fewer omega3's. Mix light tuna packed in water with a little olive oil+lemon juice+pepper!

2. Go confidently into the directions of your dreams! Live the life you always imagined!


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Daily Quore

Daily Quote

1. Stress treatment is good ole exercise for blues, quality of life, and sleep. Try yoga/pilates to reduce the cortisol stress hormone and boost the happy hormone serotonin.

2. Do not follow your dreams, chase them!!!


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. Eat less sugar, you are sweet enough! The best time to satisfy that sweet tooth (in moderation) is after a workout to restore glycogen levels.

2. SUCCESS is not measured by what you do compared to others! It is measured by what you do with the ability God gave you!

Dr. B



1. In 15 years 60% of adults will have a BMI > 35

2. Obesity will surpass tobacco as the #1 modifiable cancer risk factor

3. Increase in dress size of 1 results in a 36% increase in breast cancer and an increase in dress size of    2 results in a 73% increase in breast cancer for post menopausal women

4. INCREASE OBESITY decreases response to chemotherapy and radiation therapy

5. Increase obesity increases cancer incidence

6. Increase obesity increases insulin resistance and increases inflammation

7. Inflammation leads to heart disease, strokes, depression and dementia/Alzheimers

JAMA 8/2015, VOL 1 NO.5, P622


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. 13 is the # of muscles engaged during a push-up, toes too tough, drop to knees - tip squeeze your bum and suck in your stomach to protect your back - GO FOR IT !!

2. Goals are dreams with deadlines

Dr. B

Monday, August 31, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. Weigh ounces to lose pounds - for a week weigh every morsel you eat to remind you what 4 oz. looks like, what ½ cup looks like and what 2 tsp. looks like This is the start of something BIG

2. An idea is just a dream until you write it down then it is a goal!!

Dr B

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. Set gym dates with a buddy for added accountability, rain or shine. Book workouts on weekend the week ahead. PLAN to be healthy!

2. Lose the excuses, they do not get you any closer to your goals.

Dr. B

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote
1. HALT the Hangry -caused by drop in blood sugar which leads to aggression- eat every 2-3 hours and keep PROTEIN #1 REACHING 120 GRAMS / DAY

2. Faith is taking the first step even when you do not see the whole staircase


Friday, August 28, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. Take Calcium to lower body fat. Your body can only absorb 500mg Calcium at a time so take 500 mg twice per day with food. Stay with it for 3 months.

2. Do not put in ½ effort unless you are okay with ½ of the results.

Dr. B

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. SNOOZE TO LOSE -  Get 8 hours sleep at night and you are 30% less likely to gain weight. Sleeping boosts metabolism and burns calories. Also, sleep promotes muscle recovery.

2. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail

Dr. B

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. BE MINDFUL - do not pre-load your net bite- you will savor your food more; eat slower and become full faster and eat less. Eat with your non dominant hand to slow yourself down.

2. Set a goal that makes you wanna jump out of bed in the morning


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote
1. Need a full body strength training program to add muscle so you can burn more calories longer after each workout.

2. Be strong, you never know who you are inspiring

Dr B

Monday, August 24, 2015

Frequently asked question #3

Frequently asked question #3

3. How does carbohydrate restriction work?? Carbohydrate restriction reduces fat accumulation and increase fat burning by changing the hormonal milieu of the fat tissue. Restricting carbohydrates results in @ 2 pounds of weight loss per week. You are eating less with carbohydrate restriction because you are mobilizing fat and utilizing it as fuel NOT mobilizing your fat and using it for fuel because you are eating less. Think about this!!!

Dr. B

Today's Quote

Today's Quote

1. Sip two cups of water (1 8 oz. glass) before eating to consume less. Your body has a difficult time differentiating between hunger and thirst (BELIEVE IT TRY IT) before you chow down and eat unwanted calories.

2. Strength does not come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you could not do!!


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. Eating meals while watching TV results in consuming an average of 300 more calories. Turn it off!!!!

2. Sometimes the only difference between try and triumph is a little extra UMPH!!!

Dr. B

Saturday, August 22, 2015



Friday, August 21, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote
1. Snack on nuts with shells to consume less calories-they take longer to eat and the visual pile of shells tells you how much you ate
2. Feeling like giving up? Remember why you started!

Dr B

American Cancer Society supports YWLFL

American Cancer Society supports YWLFL

Weight loss will help tumors respond to treatment. Also, exercise will help tumors respond to treatment

HOWEVER, would itt be better Not to have a tumor. Being at a healthy weight reduces cancer occurrence by 50% during your lifetime.

Is food that important that you would risk cancer by being overweight and also knowing that treatment for overweight/obese people is LESS beneficial

Put things into perspective.

Dr. B

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Daily Quote

Daily Quote

1. Coffee can improve cognitive function, increase dopamine levels and make your workouts 15% more effective in burning calories.

2. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Daily Thought

Daily Thought

1. High intensity strength training burns 18% more calories 24 hours post workout than traditional strength training. High intensity means <60 seconds between  exercises and some aerobic exercise during this 60 second period.

2. What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals!!

Dr B

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Daily Thought

Daily Thought

1. Carb cravings are made worse by workouts. During your first 4 weeks our our diets exercise should be limited so you can concentrate on the discipline of eating regularly and at breakfast. Then you can start exercising on week 5. Starting exercising and dieting simultaneously is a good way to ensure failure.

2. The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal, the tragedy lies in having no goals to reach!!

Dr. B

Monday, August 17, 2015

Thoughts for today

Thoughts for today

1. Skip the elevator + take the stairs to burn an extra 15.450 calories per year !  LITTLE CHOICES ADD UP

2. May your choices reflect your hopes and NOT your fears

Dr B

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Thoughts for Healthification

Thoughts for Healthification #1

1. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.

2. Breakfast is the most important= egg eaters lost 65% more weight than bagel eaters with all 9 essential amino acids in protein packed eggs,  build muscle + burns fat and only 6 Carbohydrates

Dr B