Monday, July 11, 2016

Decision Fatigue

Decision Fatigue

Plaid or stripes, flats or heels, tall or grande, latte or drip, soy milk, almond milk, rice milk?
WE each make 35,000 decisions per day
EXHAUSTING -  no wonder we have little time for sleep, recreation, friends, exercise or mindful eating

STOP being the decider of everything (busyaholic).  Others can decide, some things do not need a decision.

Decision Fatigue is draining of the will from the art of decision making - do not want to do anymore

Paradox of Choice is too many choices paralyzes people from making decisions at all.

Why  do we have these two problems?  We overvalue data and choice. When everything is measurable then everything seems knowable . Small decisions become big ones.

Data does not = power.  Choices does not = freedom. Having data and choices results in neither.

What can I do? Have an electronic free day each week - no phone, no text, no computer, no data review, no TV, no radio. Can you do it? The feeling is weird and then exhilarating.

Weight gain can be directly linked to decision fatigue. Increased stress is the mechanism that transfers decision fatigue into weight gain.

Let our coaching relieve you of this factor in the weight gain arena.

Dr B

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