Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day by Day

Day by Day to achieve SUCCESS

1. START by establishing some routine in your - bedtime,  waking time, exercise time, eating time and social time. I always hear how everybody has to respond to their kids "games" and let us be real, these are games and you are dealing with your LIFE.  Which is more important???

2. Go to bed and wake at approximately the same time for each day. The body's hormones LOVE routine.

3. Eat BREAKFAST, after 8 hours there are no energy stores to draw on and not eating leads to craving of bad calories that are tempting us everywhere we travel. Take in 30 Grams of protein NOT a high carbohydrate/sugar breakfast like we have become use to. High protein shakes will help you achieve this - some as high as 24 grams. This will decrease craving and even out your day of eating.

4. Start EXERCISING simply by walking more before any other activity.  Learn to stretch.

5. Our clients resist tracking food and exercise. They do not want to journal or even fill out our convenient Blue Cards. Yet tracking food and exercise is how we keep score. Without measuring we can never get better. There are even Apps to help those who do not like to write.

6. Think before you eat and plan your eating for tomorrow.  Planning reduces binges and munchies and helps you avoid bad calories.

7. Get a COACH to get you started on your road to success.

D. B

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