Monday, November 10, 2014



            The fat free craze in the 1990s coincided with a massive uptick in artificial sweetener use. There is a direct association between artificial sweeteners and obesity and type 2 diabetes. Artificial sweeteners are just another part of our fascination with overly sweet foods.
            Because there are no calories it seems artificial sweeteners would help with weight loss. Studies repeatedly find that guzzling diet sodas is actually associated with an elevated risk of obesity (especially abdominally) and type 2 diabetes. The July 2013 journal Trends in Endocrinology did an analytical review and confirmed the correctness of these previous studies.
            The artificial sweetener tricks your body. The sweet taste tells your brain you consumed sugar. The brain tells the pancreas to make insulin but there is no sugar consumed. The excess insulin removes existing sugar from your blood making cravings for carbohydrates rise and deposits the available sugar into belly fat. When the artificial sweetener is consumed in a caffeinated beverage the caffeine further increases cravings and appetite in general.
            Artificial sweeteners help reset your palate (taste buds) to look for hyper sweet sugar laden foods. This does not have to be cookies and pastry but fatty foods can be substituted by the body to accomplish this craving satisfaction.
            When you limit or eliminate artificial sweeteners you reset your palate to a normal level. To distract from these cravings that you experience increase your protein intake, especially breakfast (30 grams of protein), drink water, and distract yourself with GUMA (Get Up and Move Around)
            It is truly amazing how quickly the cravings will disappear and you will want less sweet and fatty foods and your appetite will decrease.

                                    Doctor’s Diet by Travis Stork, MD

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