Friday, May 13, 2016

Healthification Navigation


AWS’s vision is to cultivate a personal patient/doctor/team relationship amidst a bustling urban community where impersonal professional relationships are the norm. We strive to provide quality wellness and illness strategies based on evidence based medicine, open communication, easy accessibility and a focus on customer service.

AWS selects a small population of patients and provides dedicated coaching to encourage, excite and educate patients to actively participate in their care strategy for wellness and illness. Our visits are not like Disneyland – a 3 hour wait for a twenty second ride. AWS provides the care strategy for wellness and illness to effectively navigate the complex health (illness) system.

The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human body with drugs only but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition. (Thomas Edison)  He who does not know nutrition does not know how to care for patients. (Hippocrates) Our Healthification Organization will be successful to the extent that it provides a service that contributes to happiness! (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)

The qualities of a caring doctor and team are:
  • Ability to listen
  • Willingness to acknowledge a patient’s point of view
  • Ability to explain
  • Willingness to assess family and social support
  • Ability to show empathy
  • Willingness to offer encouragement, hope and reassurance

AWS has no over crowded office where people are sick .  We  do not provide the usual 6 minute face-to face time. Today the greatest single source of health is between the ears. (Brian Tracy).  If you do not change the direction you are going then you are likely to end up where you are heading. (John C. Maxwell) Our education program and coaching enables you to find something you love and pursue it! People who have good results feel good about themselves. (Ken Blanchard) AWS provides decreased hospitalizations, greater necessary drug compliance and successful doctor/team interactions. Remember there is no insurance code for cure.

AWS cares for patients because we care about patients. Our focus is:
1.     Honesty and financial integrity
2.     Good bedside/office manner
3.     Being there for our patients
4.     Actually liking our patients
5.     A team that can come along the journey with the patient

We live in a hyper-personalized society. Our economy is oriented to give us what we want but it often turns out it is not the best for delivering what we need.  Our goal is to slow the trajectory of aging. We try to not be taken in by the industrial/insurance/medical complexes group think. We do not want to be stuck in the rat race of health care.

We want every patient to claim their uniqueness, reject society’s limitations and simplify their life. The most important questions in health(illness) care is access, strategy, direction, and the falsehood of cure. Our health(illness) care system is expensive because of lack of personal responsibility, government regulations, insurance profitability, and value of questionable new drugs and devices.

Drug usage is an example of poor oversight and education. 47% of the population older than 65 take 5 or more prescription drugs.  Of 100 prescriptions, 20 are never filled, 20 are filled and not taken, 20 are filled and taken wrong, leaving only 40 taken correctly. No wonder those who really need drugs do not get well.
In fact adherence to proven breast cancer drugs are taken correctly only 66%  of the time.

Our Healthificatin Organization redesigns your world to accommodate a long vibrant life. We help recognize stress loads and strategize to keep your hearts and spirits young and lively. We seek to eliminate inflammation from your body by weight loss and then facilitate healthy eating. We can follow are success by your BMI, waist measurement, % fat, % visceral fat,  and laboratory values. Aging is inevitable but aging well and slowly is not. Keeping your brain robust is essential to health. We coach mindfulness in daily activities and eating. Research supports the fact that we live 20% in the present, 40% in the past and 40% in the future. What legacy are you going to leave to your children and grandchildren.

Die is by far the most powerful intervention to delay aging and age related diseases. Diet IS the way to live longer well. Nothing is going to keep you healthy longer than losing weight and keeping it off.

Why do we have so many problems eating too much, and moving too little. We need a culture that respects and loves longevity. To do this we must recognize that long  term planning is necessary. Long term planning does not come naturally to humans.
The future is too distant. We are not mindful that little habits over the years accumulate wear and tear on the body. Humans have difficulty imaging negative consequences of their daily actions.  What is your status today? We can measure it and help you develop your health profile. Our past culture and today’s supports a short life not a long one. Obesity is the number one modifiable chronic disease today. AWS can address this issue.

Support is what makes change possible. We now have smaller families, separated in space and age, less friendships and collaborations, and depend less on proximity but more on common interests and concerns. LOVE is very important and romantic relationships are most important  in support and living in the moment.

AWS with it’s Healthification Navigation concept stands ready to assist, educate and coach you to a healthy life.

Things that AWS provides are
1.     Wellness strategy for you
2.     Illness strategy for you
3.     Weight loss
4.     Weight maintenance
5.     Exercise strategy
6.     Specialist strategies and referral help
7.     Simplification of complex medical problems
8.     Easy access for quality appointments
9.     24X7 answering service
10. Seminars and newsletters
11. Coaching individual and group
12. Education classes
13. Video library on YouTube
14. Blog on our website
15.  Mental health services
16. Access to laboratory testing and xrays
17. 9-Point Health Assessment
18. Biological Hormone Replacement Therapy
19. Telemedicine for convenience
20. Walk With a Doctor Program

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