Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Advanced Wellness Systems Healthification Navigation

Advanced Wellness Systems Healthification Navigation

Your Weight Loss For Life and Bouda Life Coaching have united under Advanced Wellness Systems (AWS) to create a Healthification Organization. Yes, HEALTHIFICATION, because we have learned from our experience that most of us have bad lifestyle habits that affect our quantity and quality of our lives. Now, coaching and cutting edge life style changes can reduce or eliminate the bad effects of these habits. We all want to be happy, healthy, vibrant and playfull. 

To achieve this AWS has combined our unique skills to create an environment dedicated to maximizing your potential for health. AWS has doctors, nurse practitioners, psychologists, counselors, coaches, programs and an individualized approach to each individual’s dilemma. Remember, to create new healthy habits is an effort and AWS is here to assist you in achieving this. No food tastes as good as health feels, no day battling a chronic illness feels as good as having one with gusto, goals and vigor waiting for you to wade in. Let AWS make you “live long and prosper!”

The Reason for Healthification

Katy Glover in the OWH on Saturday 8/9/2015 wrote a wonderful article supporting our own decision to form AWS. Healthcare has been in the business of taking care of you when sick, but not in the business of keeping you well. Katy pointed out that our quantity of life had increased to 78.9 years. Our healthy years are only 67.2 thus leaving 11.6 years of living with debilitating chronic diseases. This gap continues to widen each year. No wonder there is a growth in nursing homes, Alzheimer facilities, assisted living homes and grouped independent living facilities.

We know at AWS that more than 50% of our chronic debilitating diseases come from habits and lifestyle choices. Despite wanting to live longer, we do not take action by ourselves to make this happen and instead we depend on medicine to take care of our illnesses rather than us preventing them. Medicine is focused on the sick and does not make us more healthy and independent and vibrant. Our diseases in the USA are not infections, sanitation issues, lack of medicine, lack of hospitals but a lack of education and understanding in how to enjoy a healthy life.

AWS is committed to extending life with accompanying quality. We are about responsible aging that begins much sooner than when the doctor states you have diabetes. We want to learn those healthy behaviors and good habits that stop or lessen the onset of age/lifestyle diseases. 

Early detection and screening are great but even better is learning how to live, act and eat so these tests have NOTHING to find.

The USA ranks 37th in life expectancy. Andorra located in the Pyrenees between France and Spain has an average life expectancy of 83.9 years and Lesotho, a landlocked country in southeast Africa, has the shortest life expectancy of 48.3 years.

At the time when modifiable lifestyle risk factors have been identified, our health care system is focused on more complex procedures, massive cancer centers, toxic drugs and monetarily focused on the industrial/administrative/medical bureaucracy survival and not health education, encouragement, and engagement for lifestyle changes.

AWS offers an answer to those interested in investing time and talent into their lives rather than unconsciously riding the waves of what is new that requires no effort.


            24 X 7Answering Service for phone calls
            Monthly Visits for navigation assistance
            Healthy weight maintenance
            Coaching by professional trained staff
            Semi-Annual history and physical to assess progress
            Access to economical laboratory testing
            Ability to order x-rays and specialist consults      
            Pharmacy management and prescription refill for client
            Work in conjunction with your PCP if desired to achieve optimum care
            Parenting program for Teens and Tweens
            Facing Cancer Together support from our book and seminars
            Walk with a Doctor 2nd Saturday 0800 and 4th Wednesday 1800 to exercise and obtain free    doctor interaction

WHEN – MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8-5 BY PHONE APPOINTMENT 402-598- 7909 Dr.                Bouda’s Cell

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